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What is Human Genome Project

New Delhi, Tue, 02 Jul 2013 NI Wire

No scientific research project in the history of the mankind has created such wide ranging uproar as human genome project, but if you consider this as one of the overhyped scientific researches you nevertheless run the chance of staying on the side of the ignorant. To put it in roper and adequate terms human genome project is the research undertaking to unveil the sequence of genes that human beings are made of. For the greater part of the last phase of twentieth century the diverse genetic characters of human race have been at the center stage of scientific interest that culminated at the huge government funded research of human genome project. Let us here see the particular research significance, history and influence of human genome project in brief details.

What exactly it is all about?

In any living body or organism the cells carry the hereditary information that is enclosed within the molecule called Deoxyribonucleic Acid or DNA. The similar thing in viruses or certain microscopic being is called Ribonucleic Acid or RNA. The genetic structure or genome comprises of this DNA/RNA and the sequence of genes. This sequence of genes in human and their unique individual identification is what is undertaken as the research objective of human genome project. Human genome consists of approximately 30,000 genes. Finding the sequential mapping of the genes and identifying each individual gene is truly a revolutionary and ground breaking area of knowledge that as envisaged over the years by scientists and researchers can produce many astounding outcomes in elevating healthcare, life and living standard.

History of Human Genome Project

Human genome project was first initiated by the US government's energy department in 1987 and initially it was planned for 15 years. After long years of research the project published its first draft in 2000 and on 2003 the final draft and after than many subsequent analysis on detailed findings continued to appear. Most of the research performances concerning the sequence of genes took place in universities and research centers across many nations such as United States, Japan, France, Germany, Spain and United Kingdom under the government sponsorship.

Benefits of Human Genome Project

This gigantic project unveiled many surprising truths about our genetic structure and consequent all corresponding fields are benefited to carry on the research on different aspects of genetics. Healthcare or as a whole biogenetic connections of the diseases and corresponding factors are the most important area that has been benefited directly from the sequential genetic map of human genome project and subsequent researches in the following years shown that many life threatening diseases have their root in the genetic structure of the individual. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, metabolic problems, liver problems, homeostasis disorders, cysts have been seen to have their predisposition in the gene structure. Knowing the genetic structure of the individual the diagnosis, treatment and even prevention can be initiated and that perspective in many ways can revolutionize the healthcare and human beings plight for better life. Apart from direct healthcare benefits the ecological and environmental benefits in understanding our relation with the nature and other biological forces is also one great aspect of human genome project.

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