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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Russian Federation?

A: Russian Federation lies on the geographical coordinates of 60° 0' 0" N, 100° 0' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Russian Federation in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 60.0 100.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 60° 0' 0" N 100° 0' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:6651832.73602276 Easting:555776.266752564 Zone:47V


More detail about Russian Federation

How the Government of the Russian Federation Operates
The Russian Federation is a country around Europe and Asia that has been in existence since 1991. This is when the country declared its independence from the communist rule of the Soviet Union. This was the key point to the decline of the Soviet Union.
The Russian Federation uses a government that is very different from what was used in the Soviet Union. A key point involves how it uses democratic elections in a series of states that operate with a full federal government in mind.
A full executive branch is used here. This branch features a president and a cabinet that is arranged by the president. A popular election is used every six years to determine if a new president should be used or if the current one should return. This system is very similar to what works with the United States government.
A Federal Assembly is also used here. This is a bicameral legislative branch that also works with public elections. These are used to help with keeping the president in check.
A full judicial system is also used. This works with a series of courts that work with different cases. In fact, the Supreme Court of Russia is run with practically the same format as what most other supreme courts use. The president chooses the justices and the judges will be approved by individual parties to where they can serve their positions for life.

This is very different from what was being used in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union would have used only one party for the government. However, the Russian Federation uses a series of different political parties with their own special interests in mind. This is used to create a sense of competition among different parties and people who have different ideological beliefs in mind.

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