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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Norfolk Island?

A: Norfolk Island lies on the geographical coordinates of 29° 2' 0" S, 167° 57' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Norfolk Island in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -29.0333 167.95
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 29° 2' 0" S 167° 57' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:6784733.447550436 Easting:787305.282061762 Zone:58J


More detail about Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island Continues Their Tourism Potential

Norfolk Island is located in the Pacific Ocean. It is a small island between New Caledonia, New Zealand and Australia and is a part of the Commonwealth of Australia. Despites it being a part of the commonwealth, it still has a high level of self-governance. It forms the external territories of Australia with its two island neighbors.

The scenery on this island is beautiful which contributes to the reasons why it makes a good tourist destination. The coastline is made up of cliffs that vary in height and angle. There aren't any safe harbor facilities but there are loading jetties at Cascade Bay and Kingston. The goods that are required for living on Norfolk Island that can't be produced on the island are brought in by vessels landing at Cascade Bay.

The climate of the area is mild and subtropical, adding to its pleasantness. While there is only one safe place for recreational swimming which is called Emily Bay, there are two places that are used for their great surfing ways. These places are called Anson and Ball Bays.

There are some great parklands on the island. There is a lot of forest in these parks as well as some wildlife to be spotted. For individuals who really like the outdoors, this is a wonderful place for experiencing it.

Since tourism is the main industry of Norfolk Island, there have been various types of pest control and remediation work completed by the park staff members. There are some colonies of locals, and while they are self-sufficient in raising livestock and other parts of the agricultural sector, much of the available work available pertains to the tourism industry. This industry is still rising and it is of utmost important to the area that work goes into keeping the island clean and beautiful.

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