New Delhi, April 4 (IANS) In a setback to film producer Subhash Ghai, the Supreme Court Wednesday dismissed an appeal by his film company Mukta Arts Ltd, which challenged the Bombay High Court verdict cancelling allotment of 20 acres of land in Goregaon for Film City.
An apex court bench headed by H.L. Dattu, while dismissing the petition, said the application on the allotment of land that was in cold storage under three chief ministers was revived when Vilasrao Deshmukh became chief minister and was allotted with his signatures affixed on it.
The court said the entire transaction was non-transparent.
In February, the Bombay High Court quashed the allotment of the land for Whistling Woods International, a joint venture between Mukta Arts and Maharashtra Film, Stage and Culture Development Corp for a state-of-the-art film institute and research centre.
Read More: Delhi | Supreme Court | Delhi High Court | High Court | Allahabad High Court | Gujrat High Court | High Court Bulding Po | Goregaon Nd | Goregaon Rs | Goregaon East | Goregaon | High Court Building | Goregaon S.o. | New High Court | High Court Bilaspur | Mukta | High Court So | Ramoji Film City | Calicut Arts & Science College | Ernakulam High Court | Patna High Court | Vilasrao Deshmukh