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Researchers find best way to treat a common type of kidney disorder

London, Thu, 10 Jan 2013 NI Wire

British researchers have created a new ray of hope for kidney patients suffering from a common type of kidney disease by finding the best way to treat patients with kidney disease, as they claim.

According to British researchers they have found the best way to treat 'membranous nephropathy', a type of kidney disorder, which can be prove more effective in the comparison of current available therapy.

The researches from University of Bristol's Academic Renal Unit based in Southmead Hospital compared three treatment approaches in treating membranous nephropathy and find the best way of treatment.

According to researchers, the patients suffering from membranous nephropathy can be treated with prednisolone and chlorambucil alternating monthly cycles for six month for getting the best results. This is the most effective option.

This approach was shown to be the most effective in preventing further renal decline in patients with the benefits maintained over the three-year study period and thus the recommended treatment approach.

They found that the condition, which leads to changes and inflammation of the structures inside the kidney that help filter wastes and fluids, is usually managed with immunosuppressive drugs but has a high risk of causing kidney failure in patients. Previous studies of the disorder, which is costly to treat, show that once kidney function starts to decline, continued deterioration can be expected.

The research team, led by Professor Peter Mathieson, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, carried out a randomised controlled trial involving 108 patients with 20 per cent decline in renal function at 37 renal units across the UK. The patients were randomised to one of three treatment approaches and followed up by the team over three years.

The team evaluated results from 33 patients who were treated with prednisolone and chlorambucil, 37 patients with ciclosporin and 38 who were provided with supportive therapy alone.

Professor Mathieson, the study's lead author and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University, said, "Kidney failure is a devastating condition that is difficult and expensive to treat and our best strategies are to aim to prevent it wherever possible by more effective treatment of the underlying kidney problems. This clinical trial took a very long time to complete and I was helped by kidney specialists, research nurses and patients in Bristol and all over the UK. The results improve the evidence-base for our treatments in this form of kidney disease."

The study was recently published online in The Lancet.

--With ANI Inputs--

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