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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Uruguay?

A: Uruguay lies on the geographical coordinates of 33° 0' 0" S, 56° 0' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Uruguay in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -33.0 -56.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 33° 0' 0" S 56° 0' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:6348269.025980581 Easting:593417.7782084228 Zone:21H


More detail about Uruguay

Concerns Over Safety in Uruguay

There are many problems that are facing Uruguay. These problems relate to all sorts of points that impact all kinds of countries outside of this South American country. These points involve drugs and financial concerns. Problems involving the police inside the country are also making life difficult for people around the country.

First, Uruguay is noted for having some of the world?s tightest laws with regards to public information for finances and banking. Uruguay is known for keeping close secrets for all sorts of different banking clients. This has caused many cases of money laundering to occur throughout the country.

There are also concerns about how the local police have been operating. There are concerns about how the police are corrupt in some areas. This is in spite of the political system in Uruguay being free and open to different parties. Therefore, the drug trade in the country could be a factor.

A major reason why the police force in Uruguay is known to be corrupt in some places involves drug trade. Uruguay has been known for being a country where drugs can be shipped to and from. It is a notable gateway to Europe for all sorts of drugs. In fact, many of the drugs that are shipped though Uruguay can practically move unnoticed.

In fact, the production of drugs in Uruguay has increased over the years. New synthetic drugs that are created with artificial substances have become very popular among a number of people in Uruguay.

The increase in urbanization around Uruguay is especially concerning because of the higher risk for crime in some tighter areas of the country. It is estimated that at least ninety percent of the people who live in Uruguay live in urban areas. This includes nearly half of the population living in the capital of Montevideo.

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