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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Switzerland?

A: Switzerland lies on the geographical coordinates of 47° 0' 0" N, 8° 0' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Switzerland in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 47.0 8.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 47° 0' 0" N 8° 0' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:5205649.347888885 Easting:423974.68790012226 Zone:32T


More detail about Switzerland

Switzerland Economic Superiority

Amongst other European countries, Switzerland has by far the most progressive economy. If scaled on the global banking and trading, this country is continuously weaving itself on the market. One that is highly successful and competitive.

One of the many reasons why Switzerland has obtained this kind of stability is because of its strong political will. Aside from that, its high employment rate proves to show that they have a lot to pull off from their industry.

Unlike most of the surrounding countries, agriculture is not the main source of revenue of Switzerland. Its land is not really suitable to grow crops of enormous amount; nonetheless, you can still find some vegetables, fruits, and grains. They bank more on growing cattle, dairy which is more on the cheese industry, and also on a large scale industry of processing chocolates. The industries are so colossal that it requires massive and intensive labor. This must also be the probable cause why Switzerland has to import or rather accept foreign workers resulting to more foreign exchange.

Switzerland is not really blessed with abundance of mineral resources. In order to get these resources they have to import it from neighboring countries. They get their power from two sources: (1) the nuclear power, and (2) from hydro electrical resources. They generate a lot from the former since their industry consumes more power for continuous production.

The manufacturing industry serves as a fuel to keep Switzerland from shutting down. They already left a mark on the international trading department where they are one of the most reliable exporters of the top of the line manufacturing machineries, textiles, watches, accuracy instruments, and various state-of-the-art products.

Throughout the years, Switzerland has managed to pull out some strings and be one of the superior countries in the entire Europe.

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