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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Slovak Republic?

A: Slovak Republic lies on the geographical coordinates of 48° 40' 0" N, 19° 30' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Slovak Republic in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 48.6667 19.5
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 48° 40' 0" N 19° 30' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:5391491.133512358 Easting:389557.61446341994 Zone:34U


More detail about Slovak Republic

Slovak Republic Still Overcoming Obstacles of Economic Recovery

The Slovak Republic felt the global financial crisis worse than many other Eastern European countries because of its involvement in world trade. They specialized in the export of goods such as cars, and this was partially devastated by the crisis.

As of now, the country is recovering at a pace that is faster than average but there are still some obstacles to overcome. There is a high rate of unemployment in the country, which actually went up by 3% in 2009 to 14%. The main consideration right now for the Slovak Republic is to disallow the unemployment rates to go up any further then they will concentrate on lowering them in a strategic fashion.

The government is taking steps to reform labor market policies. They are putting more money into the correct training of individuals for certain industries. They are also edging towards making changes to the minimum wage policies and regulations. This process includes changing the ways that contracts are made so that the market clearing wages do not stay the way that they are or hinder their progress.

There is a large deficit to face but the government is planning to consolidate these debts in the future. They are also making the effort to cut down on their spending as to limit the amount of added debt. There are considerations concerning the taxes and reducing the level of tax exemptions as well as increasing the level of taxes on real estate and other such items. This will increase revenues therefore giving the opportunity to lower the deficit.

Improvements in the public sector, especially in the health care department need to be taken care of and improved. This sector is another one of the obstacles that the Slovak Republic has to overcome but as the economy recovers and the revenues increase, there will be more funds steered in this direction. As of this moment, the recovery is going well with a couple of obstacles, which is normal for any state of repair.

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