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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Niue?

A: Niue lies on the geographical coordinates of 19° 2' 0" S, 169° 52' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Niue in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -19.0333 -169.8667
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 19° 2' 0" S 169° 52' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:7895103.281759843 Easting:619262.1196828247 Zone:2K


More detail about Niue

Niue Hampered by Geography

One of the major problems of countries located in the Pacific is the location. Niue is located in the isolation of the Pacific where other islands suffer from that same issue. The area is very beautiful and could technically benefit from tourism if they were located in a more convenient place. However, since they don't have that option, they are limited to using other industries to keep them alive as well as subsidies from other countries.

Aside from having a poor location, the actual population of the area is low. The spending of the government reaches higher than the revenues, therefore requiring help from the grants given by New Zealand. These grants are used to pay the wages made by public employees. To save on these expenditures, government has cut its spending but this has come at the price of cutting the public sector in half.

This nation does have a small agricultural sector mainly consisting of subsistence gardening. There are some cash crops that are grown for the purpose of exports. There are also some small factories in the country that process passion fruit, honey, coconut cream, and lime oil. A more unique part of revenues is created through the sale of postage stamps to collectors overseas.

Due to the migration of people from the country, there has been a serious loss in the population. To make up for this, there are plans on promoting more tourism to the island despite its remote location. They also intend on expanding the financial services industry although the offshore banking industry was closed in 2002.

The results of these efforts remain to be seen. The global financial crisis affected the tourism industry and the promotion of such a remote place isn't easy. This being said, when completed in the right way, they can encourage more visitors as the country does have a lot to offer visitors.

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