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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Italy?

A: Italy lies on the geographical coordinates of 42° 50' 0" N, 12° 50' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Italy in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 42.8333 12.8333
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 42° 50' 0" N 12° 50' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:4744580.28982607 Easting:322915.91776359314 Zone:33T


More detail about Italy

Experience Italya!

Italy, one of the most coveted countries?s to visit for various tourists all over the world. It is a beauteous country that has a lot to offer but might also provoke some of your preconceptions about it. This is the haven for the best tasting pasta, olive oil, wine, sunshine and mafia, it also places where renaissance took over, and the roman ruins. It definitely has a long list to propel the tourist to take the quickest flight to Italy. Although, most of your preconceived notions are pretty interesting and amazing, it?s an ignominy to conclude just like that because quite frankly there?s more to Italy than meets the eye.

Italy has a handful of archive to convey both the carefree tourist and the educated ones. It?s rich and deeply rooted Roman Catholic beliefs and tradition will catapult you from wanting to extend your stay further more in this country. You?ll never fell bored at all.

In the northern part of Italy lies the progressive and well-developed fascinating cities and rich gem culture. You?ll find this city right next to the Po River landscapes and the Alps.

Furthermore, if you go to the city of Lombardia, Milan?s capital, you?ll find the various industrial organizations both large and small scale. And if you?re in for the latest trends in fashion, this city is where you?ll see the world?s hottest haute couture. For the romantic savvy aficionado, you can head at the northern east either at Verona or Venice and maybe do some soul searching.

Italy will NOT only feed your sight, as mentioned earlier, this country has more than one to offer. It also serves al dente dishes for the gastronomical addict travellers. For those who adore the best tasting wine, Piemonte is the place to visit. They made really good wines from fresh Nebbiolo grape. More so, Piemonte?s capital, Turin, is the best city to begin with when looking for the best wines in the region. While you do that, you?ll have a glimpse of different museums, book and music fair regarding the city?s culture.

Known to be Italy?s pride when it comes to perfect landscape and panoramic scenes, Tuscany is still one of the most regularly visited destinations to date.

However, we can?t wrap things up without even mentioning the eternal capital of Italy and that is Rome. This city is ideal for a relaxed and laid-back travel. And what better way to do it is have a Rome apartment rented, this way you?ll enjoy Rome at your very own pace. Do any of these and you?ll end up going home feeling you?re in the ninth cloud!

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