Prince Philip's Cameron gaffe during Obama's meeting with the Queen



Thu, 02 Apr 2009: 

London, April 2 (ANI): Prince Philip made a gaffe when U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle met the Queen at Buckingham Palace.


This was their first meeting, and both the Queen and the Prince were sympathising with Obama and his wife about their gruelling schedule since arriving late on Tueay evening.


"The time lag," Sky News quoted the Queen as saying.


Philip added: "You're just trying to stay awake!"


Upon that Obama told the two Royals: "I had breakfast with the Prime Minister, I had meetings with the Chinese, the Russians, David Cameron..."


He added: "And I'm proud to say I did not nod off in one of the meetings."


Then Prince Philips blurted out: "Can you tell the difference between them?" (ANI)