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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Uganda?

A: Uganda lies on the geographical coordinates of 1° 0' 0" N, 32° 0' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Uganda in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 1.0 32.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 1° 0' 0" N 32° 0' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:110547.1056954009 Easting:388736.18772118364 Zone:36N


More detail about Uganda

Refugees are Entering and Leaving Uganda

Uganda has become one of the most difficult countries in all of Africa. This country has been subjected to a large amount of fighting. As a result, there are many people who have left the country. There are also some people who have entered Uganda through other African countries due to their own individual conflicts.

Uganda has experienced a large number of refugees over its time. The rules of such leaders as Idi Amin have cause guerilla warfare to spread around Uganda, thus causing hundreds of thousands of people in the country to be killed. This has prompted more than a million people to leave the country as refugees.

Many of the refugees that have left the country are part of the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. This is an army that is believed to be based off of the Christian faith but has been engaged in a number of human rights violations. A large number of people from the LRA have left the country as refugees in many different surrounding countries. Most of these LRA members settle in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, two countries that Uganda borders.

Some refugees who are leaving Uganda have declined to go into neighboring Kenya. This is because the LRA has been known to attack some areas near the border with Kenya.

Some peace talks have been going on between the LRA and the Ugandan government. However, the talks have been incredibly slow and are not expected to progress by much.

People from those two countries are also entering Uganda as refugees. These include people from Sudan and the DROC. The refugees enter the country as a means of avoiding their own conflicts in their own countries. This is in spite of the ongoing conflicts that are going on throughout Uganda.

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