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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Samoa?

A: Samoa lies on the geographical coordinates of 13° 35' 0" S, 172° 20' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of Samoa in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -13.5833 -172.3333
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 13° 35' 0" S 172° 20' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:8497963.62263913 Easting:355748.58271105896 Zone:2L


More detail about Samoa

Samoa is Separate from American Samoa

Samoa is a country that is located right near American Samoa. It is a small country that is in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. This land is between Hawaii and New Zealand.

Samoa is different from American Samoa in terms of how it has been occupied. The Samoan islands have been occupied for thousands of years. However, the Samoan islands were divided by the Tripartite Convention in 1899. This caused the land to be divided between the Germans and Americans. The Americans would hold onto the eastern lands while Germany would control Savai?i and Upolu on the western part. These two islands make up present-day Samoa.

The deal was used as a means of dividing Samoa between the two countries. Both countries had expressed a very strong interest in the Samoan area and have wanted to take some level of control of Samoa over the years.

Samoa was eventually occupied by New Zealand after World War I. Samoa would then declare its independence from New Zealand in 1961. It has run on its own ever since.

The key difference between Samoa and American Samoa is that American Samoa is an unincorporated territory that is controlled by the United States. Samoa is a completely independent operation. In fact, the country voted to change its name from Western Samoa to Samoa back in 1997.

Samoa runs with a parliamentary republic. This is where the executive and legislative parts of the government run with the same level of power and without any real separation between the two. This is similar to what New Zealand, Australia and Canada uses.

The country still has some links to New Zealand. The most notable is that people who are ambassadors to New Zealand are essentially serving duty as ambassadors to Samoa at the same time.

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