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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Cameroon?

A: Cameroon lies on the geographical coordinates of 6° 0' 0" N, 12° 0' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Cameroon in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals 6.0 12.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 6° 0' 0" N 12° 0' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:664114.1620344656 Easting:167842.20837029984 Zone:33N


More detail about Cameroon

Cameroon: Africa in miniature

Cameroon is a very diverse little country located just off of the African coast. There are savannahs, mountains, beaches, rainforests and deserts all in this one tiny area! With so much to offer, many people call Cameroon Africa in miniature. In many ways, Cameroon contains a mixture of all the best things Africa has to offer.

Food is plentiful over much of Cameroon and seafood is especially popular. In fact, Cameroon gets its name because explorers visiting the country found that the rivers were full of delicious fish and prawns, or "Camar?s" in the explorers' language. Much of its extra seafood is exported to Europe and South Korea. Agriculture is also big business out there and Cameroon exports a lot of coffee, sugar, and tobacco to neighboring countries as well as the rest of the world. Poverty is fairly rare in Cameroon. In fact, Cameroon is one of the wealthiest nations in all of Africa!

Religious freedom is celebrated in Cameroon. Many people still worship the native gods; however, Christianity and Islam also have a healthy foothold. Most Christians reside in the southern and western regions, and many Islamic people, especially of the Fulani tribe, live in the north. Belief in witchcraft is still strong in Cameroon, even though the government has outlawed witch-hunts.

Music and dance are both popular art forms in Cameroon. People sing and dance when children are born, when elders die, to celebrate planting, to commemorate the harvest, and in religious rituals. Their music is very distinct, filled with percussion from clapping hands, singing drums, and jingling bells as singers rise their voices to the beat.

With plenty of delicious food, freedom of religion, and lots of beautiful song and dance, Cameroon showcases many of the best things Africa has to offer all in one place.

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